Feb 16, 2023Ultracapacitors: No Maintenance. Really?Yes, really. The maintenance free nature of ultracapacitors is what gives them significant advantage over batteries, specifically in...
Feb 8, 2023EnyGy® Ultracapacitor Technology Achieves up to Double Energy Density Melbourne based Australian company, enyGy®, has developed graphene technology that enables ultracapacitors to achieve up to double the...
Jan 12, 2023Ultracapacitors vs Batteries: What makes ultracapacitors great?Ultracapacitors, also known as supercapacitors, are quickly becoming the power source of the future for many applications ranging from...
Dec 7, 2022Significant Advancement for Ultracapacitor Energy Storage Developed by Australian Company, enyGy®EnyGy® is a public company that has successfully raised seed capital from sophisticated investors, to establish operations in Melbourne,...
Mar 15, 2021Moving enyGy® for Ultra Future: New Premises Brings Exciting DevelopmentsDevoted to the development of graphene-based electrode films and ultracapacitors, this innovative company, enyGy is expanding to...